Neurological & Degenerative Diseases
1 - Neurological Pains
Neuralgia is pain in one or more nerves caused by a change in neurological structure or function of the nerve/s rather than by excitation of healthy pain receptors. Neuralgia falls into two categories: central neuralgia, where the cause of the pain is located in the spinal cord or brain, and peripheral neuralgia. This unusual pain is thought to be linked to four possible mechanisms: ion channel gate malfunctions; the nerve fibers become mechanically sensitive and create an ectopic signal; signals in touch fibers cross to pain fibers; and malfunction due to damage in the brain and spinal cord.

2 -
Degenerative Pains
The typical individual with degenerative disc disease is an active and otherwise healthy person who is in their thirties or forties. In general, the patient�s pain should not be continuous and severe. If it is, then other diagnoses must be considered. Degenerative disc disease pain is usually more related to activity and will flare up at times but then return to a low grade pain level or the pain will go away entirely.

Symptoms :-

1-  The low back pain is generally made worse with sitting, since in the seated position the lumbosacral discs are loaded three times   
      more than standing.

2-  Certain types of activity will usually worsen the low back pain, especially bending, lifting and twisting.

3-  Walking, and even running, may actually feel better than prolonged sitting or standing.

4- Patients will generally feel better if they can change positions frequently, and lying down is usually the best position since this relieves stress on the disc space.
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